Family Capital Recognizes Trish Botoff as one of “The World’s Top Family Enterprise Advisors”
“The FamCap 50 Advisors are the top advisors (non-academic) in the family enterprise world.”
Family Capital, an online publishing company dedicated to the global family enterprise sector, recognized our founder, Trish Botoff, as an outstanding advisor. “Family Capital compiled the list by polling its readers earlier this year, reviewing their activities during the year, and assessing their overall gravitas in the ecosystem of family enterprises. . . Family Capital has ranked the Top Ten [with Trish Botoff as number three], who have made a particularly exceptional contribution to the world of family enterprises.”
“Botoff has created the top family enterprise compensation data and consulting services group, Botoff Consulting, which has gained worldwide recognition as a pathfinder in the sector. She and her company’s expertise in the sector is diligently followed by many family enterprises. Botoff received many nominations, with a common theme in many of those accolades mentioning her profound professionalism and expertise.”
We encourage you to subscribe to Family Capital to read the full feature and list of advisors and access their entire “modern, online ‘house magazine’”. For those who do not have a subscription, a pdf of the article is linked below.
Family Capital. "The World's Top Family Enterprise Advisors" Family Capital, 30 July 2024.